so we were doing this skit thingymerbobber in speech and everyone mrs. van diepan had go up there kind of- well, were too embarrassed to do much.
Sam- [who was actually trying] "okay- places, places, people- let's get this rap video done."
Joeseph-[not wanting to sing] "errhm.. i can't- *doubles over*"
Sam- "and that would be WHY?"
joeseph- "um- i don't feel well. i think i have...rabies."
Sam- *sigh* "fine."
Victor- *trying to be inconspicuos*
Sam- "victor, you're our new singer."
Victor- "um..."
Victor- *falls over dead*
Sam- *looks at joeseph*
Joeseph- "....rabies."
so after she gave us a talk about going up there and not giving a crap, she called on me and nin to demonstrate.
Mrs. Van Diepan- "okay- um... how about you guys are-"
Nin + me- "YES!"
Mrs. Van Diepan- "*sigh* okay, go."
Nin- "pikachu, i choose YOU!"
*chucks pikachu slipper in my direction*
Me- "pikachu, i choose you MORE!"
*chucks pikachu slipper at head*
Nin- "yeah, well- Volpix! i choose you!"
me- "oh no you DIDN'T!"
Nin- "oddish! spray her with- WATER!"
me- "...oddish doesn't spray water,"
Nin- "...ODDISH, GO!"
Me- *chucks OTHER pikachu slipper at head* "oh! take THAT!
then i got a brainblast and began quoting a smosh video.
Me- i am the pokemon master! I am the pokemon MASTER! BWAHAHAHA."
nin caught on to my smosh quote and added one of her own.
Me- "you wanna know WHAT?"
nin- "WHAT?"
Me- "you're loosing your HAIR!"
nin- *gasp* "JUST LIKE DICK CHENEY!"
*colapses, cries*
me- "oh- and this isn't really a pikachu, it's-"
*aims slipper* me- "A GUN!"
then we were asked to wrap it up. when we got down from the stage, she lectured the rest of the class. "you see? that's what i want you to do. they went up there and did it, not caring about what anyone else thought."
"yeah, guise," i said, using a lisp, "be yowselff." =]
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