I was thinking the other day about my last birthday party. There was an incident with seagulls [DON’T FEED FISHSTICKS TO A SEAGUL!] that I feel is worth recording.
So my brother is standing over on the sidewalk at Lucky Peak, pouring a bucket of water on something and laughing. I have a strong feeling that this has something to do with cruelty to animals in some way, so I investigate.
“What’re you doing?” “Pouring water on ants.” AND YOU KNOW WHAT HE WAS DOING? HE WAS POURING WATER- ON ANTS! “HAHA! Look at them SQUIRM!” “HAYDEN!” *smack* “OW!”
I throw the bucket into the sand and try to stop the flooding from killing any more than it already had of this little colony my STUPID brother had stumbled upon. My wonderful friends[Amanda, Nin, and Betsey] decided to leave an offering to compensate for the lives lost.
We dropped some Oreos into the panicked rush of ants running towards their fallen loved ones, and suddenly they changed their course towards the food. We stood and watched them for a moment proudly, and feeling like we’d done our duty, we turned and walked away. BUT THEN…
There was a squawk behind us, and as we turned we saw, as if in slow motion, a seagull slowly swoop towards the ground while the ants swarmed over the Oreo, not suspecting a thing- and the seagull lands next to them. I gasp, knowing what is about to happen.
“Don’t do it- NO-”
The seagull looks at me, then back at the ant-covered Oreo.
Nin screams-
And runs in panicked circles.
So we left more offerings this time. After all, even MORE lives had been lost in this tragic accident. …AND THEN MORE SEAGULLS CAME. We waved our arms through the air, chasing them off- or at least everyone but Nin who was busy screaming, “OHMIGAWD SEAGULLS OHMIGAWD SEAGULLS…”
I ran at them.
…but they got the Oreos anyway.
Finally, we gave up trying to feed the colony. My stupid ideas only caused them more harm. It makes me think of the time my mom told me about when she worked at Jim’s Appliance- there were these guys on the loading dock playing with a stick bug and trying to rip its legs off. My mom walks right up and nonchalantly grabs the poor thing before they even realize it. They follow her as she walks down to the end of the dock and lets it free.
…but as it’s flying away, a bird swoops down AND EATS IT. D:
I know right?
But at least we TRIED to help these poor creatures.
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