
In the award winning film, The Rookie, a courageous and heart-warming film about a high-school science teacher who made it to the big leagues in the wonderful sport of baseball, it was proved that any dream is achievable if you reach far enough for it. Though all of the characters demonstrate courage, honesty, teamwork, respect, honor, dignity, and the other Boise Brave values, it’s pretty obvious who the real heroes of this story are- the nuns. Who were in the movie for approximately a minute and a half.
The lack of appearance of these characters in the film does not necessarily suggest that they were unimportant- in fact, it is quite the contrary. Since this movie was shown for educational purposes in a classroom setting, much of it was cut in order to keep the content appropriate- though god knows why, considering we’re high schoolers and know how babies are made and have heard probably every swear word in the English language- but, we were shielded from the cold truth of life, at least in reference to The Rookie. The scenes that were removed all featured the nuns, explaining how they were the true heroes.
You see, before they went to the covenant, the nuns lived an R-rated lifestyle. The first nun was a prostitute. When she was a little girl, she dreamed of being a dancer- but tap-dancing lessons led to stripping, and stripping led to prostitution. She let go of her dream pretty easily. Then, one day- or night, rather, considering her occupation- she received a client who smelled like he hadn’t showered in a week. Rather than do the deed and get her cash fair and square, she decided to steal all his money and run away.
Meanwhile, in another part of town, the second nun was working for minimum wage at a lousy convenience store. Her boss was a total loser and she loathed being a cashier with an immense hatred, but she couldn’t quit because she had thirty-two children at home to feed, all from different fathers who refused to pay child support, so she had to stick with it to make ends meet. The problem was, she was a terrible cashier, in the sense that rather than ring up items at the checkout, she’d yak on her cell phone, text, sleep, get drunk behind the counter, and essentially ignore the customers.
Eventually, the second nun’s boss got fed-up and decided she had to go. Upon being fired, she went into an insane rage. Foaming at the mouth and babbling in tongues, she whipped out a shotgun from underneath the counter. She held everyone at gun point, shot out the windows just because she could, and robbed the place.
The prostitute nun hotwired someone’s car in order to get away from the authorities, and the bank- robber nun attempted to escape on foot. Neither of them succeeded in getting away, however, considering the prostitute nun had decided to hotwire a golf cart, which even the bank-robber nun could’ve outrun with just her feet alone. Luckily, the two women ended up handcuffed in the same cop car and became jolly good friends. After hearing each other’s stories, they both agreed that they needed a fresh start. After escaping prison, they hitch-hiked to a nunnery where they found Jesus, donned robes, and saved themselves- although, they were probably still going to burn in hell.
These two nuns who previously lived a life of crime are clearly the true heroes of the story because they had RESPECT for themselves to work towards something better, RESPONSIBILITY to let go of the old parts of their past, HONOR to actually achieve their dreams, DIGNITY enough to admit they were wrong, COURAGE enough to escape prison, and TEAMWORK to help each other through their struggle, because we all need each other’s support. Also, in case you’re wondering, the money the first nun stole from the unshowered man and the money the second nun stole from the convenience store was the money they used to invest in the oil fields. We can all learn something from these heroes, and hopefully, my peers are now as inspired as I am to achieve my dreams. After all, as clearly demonstrated here in The Rookie, anything is possible.
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