Biology room, sub-zero degrees. [as usual.]
David- "So, you know, the whales were all wolves once."
Jordan- "...what?"
David- "You know, whales evolved from the wolves."
Jordan- "...Really, now?"
David- "Yeah, you know, because like- well, the wolf ran out of food on land, so it jumped in the water to, like, eat some seaweed or something. And then it like, became a whale."
David- "But then, like, if you're bleeding, or something, a shark will, like, FIND YOU. But you see, if you have a bad fin, you can still like, you know, do stuff.... the message is, DON'T LET STUFF GET YOU DOWN, whether it be a bad fin, or an extra toe- OH! I knew a girl with an extra toe once!"

Jordan- "...what?"
David- "You know, whales evolved from the wolves."
Jordan- "...Really, now?"
David- "Yeah, you know, because like- well, the wolf ran out of food on land, so it jumped in the water to, like, eat some seaweed or something. And then it like, became a whale."
David- "But then, like, if you're bleeding, or something, a shark will, like, FIND YOU. But you see, if you have a bad fin, you can still like, you know, do stuff.... the message is, DON'T LET STUFF GET YOU DOWN, whether it be a bad fin, or an extra toe- OH! I knew a girl with an extra toe once!"

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