So. I had this dream the other night.
It started out with these two guys, and their friend died. They wanted to talk to him again, so they camped in the woods to try to find his lost soul or whatever.
Oh. and Kevin Hou was there, with ghost summoning things in his locker for them.
The dream continued, and the guys started fighting over blankets, because they were camping outdoors and whatnot. Then, the ghost of their friend appeared, and one of the guys was talking to him, but the other guy thought he was a lunatic because he couldn't see him.
Then, this lady walks up and tells them their friend was never really dead at all,pretending he was dead, but rather, they were only for whatever reason.
So, the next part of the dream is where it gets bizarre.
I'm looking into this house, and it's like a doll house or something, but suddenly, I'm inside it. The people can't see me, but I can see them.
There's a bunch of church guys in beige robes, and then there was Jesus. I'm not sure how I knew it was Jesus, but it totally was.
They're standing in this room, which has a bunch of crosses and stuff on the walls. The room is totally trashed. Chairs, tables, and plates were all over the place.
Jesus looked at the mess disappointingly.
"I allowed the virgins to hold their tea parties in here, but as you can see, they have trashed the room."
with his hands on his hips, he turned to the other robed men.
"Not only have they wrecked the room, they took far too much time, and we were unable to set up the dining hall. On top of this, cleaning up will take time as well. Now, because they took too long, everyone will have to wait to eat."
He paused before proclaiming,
"Let's KILL the bitches!"
...and that's when Jesus and all the other beige-robed men whipped out these giant SWORDS from behind their backs.
The dream goes on, but unfortunately is not as odd as Jesus and his sword.
I'm sitting at this table with a bunch of people I've never seen before, and the Jesus sword people are gone. There were name plates in front of the chairs, indicating where to sit. The one next to me said 'Dooby'.
I got all excited because I hadn't seen Dooby in so long.
This is were the dream becomes once again quite peculiar.
There was a high chair right next to her seat, and the kid looked EXACTLY like her. I mean, down to a T. Also, the baby had pink hair, like Dooby had the last time I saw her.
"OH! SO DOOBY HAD A BABY! That's why I haven't heard from her in so long, because she was busy being pregnant!"
haha. wait until she reads this. =]
Then, this little girl comes up with a bottle and starts feeding the baby, and I realize the kid is NOT Dooby's, but the little girl's.
I asked a guy who was apparently her dad,
"How old is she?" D:
He goes, "Oh, she's eleven, but we wanted her to have a child so we talked to the state and they said as long as it was with someone her own age, it was okay."
"...where'd you find another parent willing to supply the other child?"
"Oh, we didn't have to- it was her brother."
haha, yeah. That was my dream.
The rest is just incoherent pieces I don't really get.
But Jesus and his sword was my favorite part.
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