Saturday, July 11, 2009

MOOSE! I have been SPEARED!

The Definition:

Geometry (noun)- The class in which many great occurrences... occur.

Somehow, in our little geometry class, we seem to stumble upon the most wonderfully pointless conversations, which drive Mr. Renak mad.

We’re sitting there, and suddenly out of the blue, Miles goes,

“You know how to call a moose?”


He paused.

“Here, moose.”

This led onto another crazy conversation that had nothing to do with anything in particular.

“So this man gets speared, and in his last dying breath he stutters, ‘...hh-hhHERE MOOSE!’”

Michael, of course, took the lead in the making this conversation twenty times more odd.

“And suddenly, five moose just come galloping into the clearing, and they say, ‘What’s wrong, Sir?’”

Mr. Renak was obviously not impressed. “Do I need to give you guys more work?”

“…and he goes, ‘Moose, I have been SPEARED!’”

“Stop. Please. This is really getting irritating.”

“…and suddenly the moose look at him and all his body parts are suddenly lifted into the air and they reform themselves together…”


Haha. Let’s not forget many other great topics that have slowly deteriorated Mr. Renak’s brain cells:

“And he’s a rapping dog, and he has this life time supply of noodles, but he HATES noodles, so the whole game is about him rapping to get rid of the noodles…”

“And he walks up to this vending machine that has a sign on it that says, ‘This is not a time machine’ and he goes, ‘bull shit!’ and goes through the time machine…”

“And Les Stroud is SUCH a cheater! He only wishes he was as cool of a survivor as Bear Grylls…”

“And it always ends with Scully and Mulder beating on the aliens with big elbows and Scully yelling, ‘Oh, Mulder! I’m so sorry I didn’t believe you about the aliens with the big elbows!’…”

“And that’s when Bear Grylls decided to take shelter inside of a dead camel…”

“You might think you’re never going to use this theorem in real life, but what would you do if you’re building a house and Ocea[sp?] comes down there and goes, ‘HEY, ARE YOU LEGIT?’”

“So, what should we-” *hand shoots up* “NO, SHELBY! WE’RE NOT WATCHING TEETH!”

“And so if you don’t pay off the debts on your organs, the Repossession Man will come and rip the organ right out of your body while you’re still alive. It’s totally gory. OH, and it’s a MUSICAL!”

“No, because the only time you’d need to know the angle of depression in real life would be if you were on a cliff and your dog was on the beach below getting attacked by a shark, and you wanted to know how far of an angle you would be jumping to save him, so you kneel down and start writing out the problem in the dirt whilst your dog is being attacked…”

“Now, don’t go home and tell your parents that in today in geometry you got to watch a video of a man drinking his own urine and eating a giant spider.”

And let’s not forget everyone’s FAVORITE argument…





The Definition:

Geometry (noun)- The class in which many great occurrences... occur.

.. ..

Somehow, in our little geometry class, we seem to stumble upon the most wonderfully pointless conversations, which drive Mr. Renak mad.

We’re sitting there, and suddenly out of the blue, Miles goes,

“You know how to call a moose?”


He paused.

“Here, moose.”

This led onto another crazy conversation that had nothing to do with anything in particular.

“So this man gets speared, and in his last dying breath he stutters, ‘...hh-hhHERE MOOSE!’”

Michael, of course, took the lead in the making this conversation twenty times more odd.

“And suddenly, five moose just come galloping into the clearing, and they say, ‘What’s wrong, Sir?’”

Mr. Renak was obviously not impressed. “Do I need to give you guys more work?”

“…and he goes, ‘Moose, I have been SPEARED!’”

“Stop. Please. This is really getting irritating.”

“…and suddenly the moose look at him and all his body parts are suddenly lifted into the air and they reform themselves together…”


The Definition:

Geometry (noun)- The class in which many great occurrences... occur.

.. ..

Somehow, in our little geometry class, we seem to stumble upon the most wonderfully pointless conversations, which drive Mr. Renak mad.

We’re sitting there, and suddenly out of the blue, Miles goes,

“You know how to call a moose?”


He paused.

“Here, moose.”

This led onto another crazy conversation that had nothing to do with anything in particular.

“So this man gets speared, and in his last dying breath he stutters, ‘...hh-hhHERE MOOSE!’”

Michael, of course, took the lead in the making this conversation twenty times more odd.

“And suddenly, five moose just come galloping into the clearing, and they say, ‘What’s wrong, Sir?’”

Mr. Renak was obviously not impressed. “Do I need to give you guys more work?”

“…and he goes, ‘Moose, I have been SPEARED!’”

“Stop. Please. This is really getting irritating.”

“…and suddenly the moose look at him and all his body parts are suddenly lifted into the air and they reform themselves together…”


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