Saturday, July 11, 2009

Its Simplest Atoms

Its Simplest Atoms

I caught a split second in the palm of my hand, taking it and analyzing its every chromosome, every ounce of the genetic makeup of the moment Your gaze stole Mine.

The cliché of “Love at First Sight” manifests itself into reality, revealing how so many before Us have miscalculated its value so carelessly, for to have used it before that minuscule moment would bring the term to shame-
Nothing in this world is seems worthy at the side of the match that lit the flame of
You & Me.

When Debbie Downer stole my lips, You smothered all doubts and called me ‘Pretty’.
Although the flirtatious banter was emitted from the mouth of a seal, I knew the message came straight from You.
The sound of spinning chairs flying from one side of the classroom to the other charge spark after spark, resulting in an ignited fire, a love of chess and fortune cookie messages spreading day by day.

That afternoon in the park, a promise to myself was broken and I revealed the secrets my smile covered, but in place of turning away as others before had done, You held me, Our cheeks pressed together as every childhood confession poured out onto the ground in front of
Our eyes.
Never had I felt
As safe,
As cared for, or
As understood
As I did enveloped in Your embrace.

Toby Keith paints a picture We had yet to fulfill, the dancing Our feet performed foreshadowing the dancing Our lips would soon ensue.

The sky above gazes down upon Us,
The sun warming Our smiles and thawing all uncertainty as You utter the words I’d moments before doubted to have been saved for Me, all fears diminished as that First Kiss took stride.
That Blue-Marble world was Ours and Ours alone, each meeting of lips increasing my awareness of the power these feelings gave Us-
We owned the clouds, We owned the trees,
The wind belonged only to Us and each Rose-Garden Afternoon was Ours to posses.

Such sensations of euphoria have a name that goes light years beyond anything anyone could ever fully understand,
For there are no words in the human language complex enough to describe it.

Even as I break each moment of the existence of Us down to its simplest atoms, it still remains impossible to comprehend how I could have believed anything before This to be deemed as Love.

"I love you, Shelby."
"I love you, too."

“When You kiss Me like this, I think You mean it like that,

If You do, baby, kiss Me again.”

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